FSU Toolkit

- The source files on the original media cannot be changed in any way and must be distributed in full including any soft documentation.
- The software must not be packaged as an end user application. It must only be used as a configuration tool.
- There must be no charge for the software itself, although a charge may be made for duplication and/or media.
- Component software parts may not be used in third party applications without prior consent from the software author.
Version 01.03
The FSU Toolkit software for Windows will allow connection with the FSU module via a USB port and does not require external power supply as they appear as a ‘single unit load’ i.e. they draw <100mA.
Appropriate USB drivers must be installed which are automatically installed with the FSU Toolkit software.
What does it do?
The FSU Toolkit is a configuration and analytical tool designed specifically for configuring FSU modules. This toolkit allows configuration, calibration, data recording and review and parameter management of the modules.
Watch our short video tutorial which runs through the software's powerful features and functionality.
The Toolkit communicates with a single module at a time and provides the following:
- Viewing of input with indication of integrity errors.
- Two point auto calibration by application of known weight.
- Two point table calibration from load cell calibration certificate.
- Setting System Zero.
- Engineering unit selection.
- Save module settings including user calibration and ability to restore to same or different USB FSU modules.
- Capture up to 30 minutes of data at 4800 Hz. Save data to CSV file. Navigate up to 30 minutes of data captured from the FSU or loaded from a previously saved CSV file.
- Trend chart view of live input. Exportable image and data.
- FFT view to identify frequency components of input signal and detect patterns
- Simple oscilloscope view for wave based signals between 1 Hz and 500 Hz.
- Easily switch to alternative engineering units (If module has been previously calibrated)
Product Sheet
Click here to view FSU Product & Toolkit Sheet
Click here to view the FSU Manual