Wireless Laundry Collection Tail Gate Weighing
The Problem:
As a driver collects laundry loads from different locations, the weight of the bags need to be weighed and the customer provided with a receipt so that an appropriate amount can be charged for the service provided. The driver also must know what weight is being loaded into the vehicle.
The Solution:
The vehicle used for collection has a fold-down tailgate to which two load cells are attached on the pivoting point to accurately weigh the load on the tailgate once it is off the ground. The load cells are connected to one T24-SA strain acquisition module. The value from the T24-SA is transmitted to a T24-HA handheld device which allows the operator to tare any existing load on the tail gate and also trigger a print out on the T24-PR1 printer mounted in the cab of the truck.
When a truck arrives at a location, the driver turns on his handheld this wakes the acquisition module - which is in sleep mode to preserve battery life between uses. The driver then zeros the system using the handheld before the laundry is loaded onto the tailgate.
Once loaded, the tailgate is lifted off the ground and the driver can print a receipt of the handheld displayed value before unloading the laundry off the tailgate and onto the truck. The handheld has motion band detection to ensure that the weight is steady before the receipt is printed thus avoiding erroneous readings brought about by flexing of the tailgate hinges.
Products used in this application: