Calibration and Verification of Load Cells in the Field
The Problem:
A calibration company uses TEDS enabled load cells for calibration and verification in the field. Encountering different environments and situations requires the calibration specialists to take readings from many different load cells.
The Solution:
A single PSD handheld display can be used for all ranges of load cells from grams to tonnes. The calibration is held on a small TEDS capable IC buried inside the load cell itself. When connected to the PSD the calibration data is read from the TEDS chip and used by the PSD to display the measured signal in the correct calibrated units. Having high resolution and stable measurement, coupled with the advantage of one instrument connecting seamlessly to many load cells, makes the PSD handheld ideal for this situation. The handheld is light-weight and portable, powered by 2 x AA internal batteries with 7 digit LCD display.
Products used in this application: