Wireless Monitoring of Building Foundations
All buildings, modern and old, are susceptible to movement due to the ground beneath them. Once a new building is erected, it takes time to settle on the new ground. Similarly, a historic or prestigious building that has been underpinned or its foundations shored, will take time to adjust to its new footings.
The Problem:
In these cases it would be advantageous to be able to intermittently measure the forces exerted by the building on its fresh foundations.
The Solution:
Load cells elements are coupled with a T24-SA wireless strain gauge acquisition module which is housed within a T24-ACM single channel acquisition connectivity module and inserted under the concrete beneath a building. The T24-ACM provides self-contained batteries which have the potential to supply ample power to run an acquisition module providing daily data for well over five years. Alternatively, the T24-BC1 inductive battery charger placed near the surface of the concrete could be used to power the T24-SA module on cue, allowing a reading to be taken for as long as the building stands fast.
Products used in this application:

Telemetry Charger Module for use with T24