T24 - Wireless Telemetry - Documents
Wirelessly transmits a wide range of sensor outputs up to 800 m (2,600 ft), or further using range extender (T24-AR) and receive using a range of base stations, handhelds, displays and other outputs. Excellent battery life of up to 5 years and high accuracy measurement.
For more info see T24 Telemetry System.
T24 Telemetry User Manual
T24 Wireless Telemetry User Manual (12 MB) Version 01.13
T24 Wind Speed Sensor System Quick Start Guide
For quick setup of the wind speed sensor System
T24 Wireless Monitoring for Optimal Automotive Performance Infographic
T24-ACM, ACMm & ACMi for Load Cell, Strain Gauge Transmitter Enclosures
T24 Presentations
T24 Technical Presentation - Part I
Advanced information on hardware, software, applications and system architecture
T24 Technical Presentation - Part II
Advanced information on hardware, software, applications and system architecture
T24 Base Stations
T24 Base Station Comparison
T24 Base Station Comparison
T24-ANT -Telemetry Antennas
Product Sheets
T24-AO1 Product Sheet
Wireless Analogue Output Module
T24-ANT Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Antenna Options
T24-AR Product Sheet
Active Repeater for T24 Wireless Telemetry
T24-BC1 Product Sheet
Telemetry Charger Module for use with T24
T24-BSd Product Sheet
The T24 wireless telemetry dongle base station (T24-BSd) is the smallest in our base station range a...
T24-BSi Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Radio Base Station
T24-BSu Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry USB Radio Base Station
T24-BSue Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry USB Base Station Extended Range
T24-GW1 Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Modbus Gateway
T24-HA Product Sheet
Handheld Telemetry Display with Multiple Inputs
T24-HR Product Sheet
Wireless Strain Indicator Unlimited Inputs
T24-HS Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Handheld Display Single Input
T24-IA Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Current (4-20mA) Acquisition
T24-LD1 Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Large LED Display T24-LD1
T24LOG100 Product Sheet
100 Channel Data Logging Software
T24-PR1 Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Printer
T24-PA Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Pulse Acquisition Module
PP1 & SP1 Product Sheet
Power Pack 1 & Solar Panel 1 Product Sheet
T24-RA Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Pulse Acquisition Module
T24-RDC Product Sheet
Wireless Data Collector
T24-RM1 Product Sheet
Data Output Wireless Relay Module
T24-SA Product Sheet
Wireless Strain Gauge / Load Cell Acquisition
T24-SO Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Printer and Display Driver
T24-TA Product Sheet
Wireless Telemetry Temperature Acquisition Module
T24-VA Product Sheet
Wireless Voltage Measurement Acquisition Module
T24-WSS Product Sheet
Wireless Wind Speed Sensor (Anemometer)