LC Toolkit

About Freeware
This Software title is licensed as FREEWARE. This means it is completely Free to use and can be copied and distributed freely as long as the following conditions are met:
  • The source files on the original media cannot be changed in any way and must be distributed in full including any soft documentation.
  • The software must not be packaged as an end user application. It must only be used as a configuration tool.
  • There must be no charge for the software itself, although a charge may be made for duplication and/or media.
  • Component software parts may not be used in third party applications without prior consent from the software author.

Version 2.1.0

The LC Toolkit software for Windows will allow a connection with the LCA20 module via an optional on-board communications module LC4 or via an optional programming cable PGM1 (LCA20 & LCD20)

What does it do?

The toolkit allows all aspects of the LCA20 and LCD20 to be configured. Everything that can be achieved with the plug-in programmer/display can also be achieved with the toolkit plus a great deal more.

Watch our 3 minute video which runs through the software’s main features.


With this software you can:

  • Configure settings
  • Save and restore settings to a file
  • Calibrate load cell
  • Calibrate analogue outputs
  • Log data to a CSV file
  • View data on a chart
  • Use as a large display

You would use this software to:

  • Configure the LCA20 and the LCD20
  • Calibrate load cell and analogue outputs
  • Change user defined settings


Click here to view LC Toolkit Software Tutorial

Click here to view LCA20 Overview

Product Sheet

Click here to view LCA20 Product Sheet 

Click here to view the LCD20 Product Sheet


Click here to view the LCA20 Manual

Click here to view the LCD20 Manual


Click here to view



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