B24 iOS & Android App for B24 Bluetooth Transmitters

- Our mobile app interface creates uncluttered dashboards for hands-on measurement.
- Display data from your strain bridge module direct to Android or iOS
- Create real time measurement projects via highly configurable dashboard
- Choose from 5 different tile types to customise your dashboard
- Export feature enabling sharing and importing of pre-made dashboards
- Advanced protection using configurable PINs
- Data presented as mathematical expressions to define exactly what gets displayed
See latest version details here
.NET Driver Pack
The B24 .NET Driver Pack contains .NET drivers to allow configuration and calibration of B24 modules from a PC for OEM users to create their own production line software using Bluegiga BLED112 Bluetooth® Low Energy Dongle.
Also included is an example .NET programme which shows how the driver can be used and will function as a rudimentary toolkit for B24 module configuration on a PC.